Better Lies

Entradas con "Translation" disponen de versión castellana.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

When I Was God - in Molecule issue 12


I have a tiny poem in issue 12 of  Molecule - a tiny lit mag.

on page 36 of the online PDF here:

Monday, October 28, 2024

De Quincey’s Botany in The Georgia Review

 The Georgia Review Fall issue has published Mónica Ojeda’s Botánica de Quincey, from Historia de la leche, in my translation along with the original. The Delusional Epitaphs poem is online in English and Spanish.

Link to poem




Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bloomsday Again

 21st Bloomsday

                for Pep

Today your death is
twenty-one years old.
An adult.

Today your death could
walk into a bar in Boston
and order a Sam Adams.

Today your death could
play blackjack at Encore
(which is only five, btw).

Today your death could
rent a car, adopt a child,
be a driver's ed instructor.

Today your death is
a college junior majoring
in grief management.

Today your death is
so big it would need
numeraled candles on its cake.

Today your death will
have just fifteen more
years to live.

Friday, June 16, 2023

20 Years of Missing You

Dear Pep, 
Your daughter sent me this video this morning, 
while I was thinking what to write for you. She 
was thinking of you, missing you, sending me 
a virtual hug. Your brother took this, added 
the songs. A walk up to Can Nan with your 
nephew and your daughter. Like so many
walks. You found the biggest rovelló ever. 

Twenty Bloomsdays without you. 
Twenty years of missing you. 
Twenty years of you missing her. 
Look at that little girl. You would be 
so proud. 
Love, Kymm 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What I Learned... for Paco, in memoriam

On the last day of 2023's January Writing Hours (thank you Kim Moore and Clare Shaw) I wrote this in response to the first prompt, based on Brad Aaron Modlin's poem "What You Missed That Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade" - having learned the day before that my friend and half of my favorite publishers had died. Paco, you would not be surprised to find that, as always, it's all about me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

New England Poetry Club Honorable Mention

 The New England Poetry Club awarded Honorable Mention in the Diana Der-Hovanessian Prize, selected by Eric Hyett, to "Papa, you wanted a son" - my translation of a poem from Mónica Ojeda's collection Historia de la leche, (Editorial Candaya, 2020).

Hear me read 

Go here to read the poem at the New England Poetry Club 2022 Anthology page

Copyright © 2008-2024 Kymm Coveney - All rights reserved.