I have a tiny poem in issue 12 of Molecule - a tiny lit mag.
on page 36 of the online PDF here: https://moleculetinylitmag.art.blog/
Entradas con "Translation" disponen de versión castellana.
I have a tiny poem in issue 12 of Molecule - a tiny lit mag.
on page 36 of the online PDF here: https://moleculetinylitmag.art.blog/
The Georgia Review Fall issue has published Mónica Ojeda’s Botánica de Quincey, from Historia de la leche, in my translation along with the original. The Delusional Epitaphs poem is online in English and Spanish.
21st Bloomsday
for Pep
A poem I translated from Mónica Ojeda's collection Historia de la leche
is Poem of the Week at Poetry Northwest.
The New England Poetry Club awarded Honorable Mention in the Diana Der-Hovanessian Prize, selected by Eric Hyett, to "Papa, you wanted a son" - my translation of a poem from Mónica Ojeda's collection Historia de la leche, (Editorial Candaya, 2020).
Hear me read Go here to read the poem at the New England Poetry Club 2022 Anthology page |